Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Kundalini: A Gift - But From Where and From Whom ?

Hi all - Welcome as usual. Today I am going to tell a different type of story. It is the kind of story that people really don't like to hear. It is about transcending the borders of reality and moving to places not yet explored. This immediately puts people off and many do not even want to entertain these thoughts and notions but I assure you every single word that is to follow is the truth, the whole truth and absolutely nothing but the truth. The story really begins, at least this part of it, early in January of 1998 as we got word that my mother's brother had passed away in Holland and that the estate needed looking after. Originally my older brother was going to go over with my mom but I kind of pushed for a chance to go as well (my mom was going to foot the bill) and so she said that I could come as well. My mom and I started making plans and my older brother feeling he was being pushed to the sidelines said "Fine, you guys go by yourselves" and so this is exactly what we did. At first my mom did not want to rent a car but I was relentless in my insistence that we get one and finally she said okay and we had a car waiting for us when we landed in Amsterdam. Now just a side note here this was not going to be my first visit to Holland but I had come in 1954 (I was 4) with my mother and 2 brothers and it was interesting what I seemed to remember. I had written this down early after the experience I had which can only be referred to by anyone who has been given the gift of one as "The Kundalini". I am going to put the version I wrote down here again for I really feel I was being "led" as I wrote it. Here it is:

............................ WRITTEN IN 1998 ..........................

Many people have wondered where people get their ideas and inspiration from and I am no different. I often wondered where writers get the ability to write thousands of words to fill a book. I wondered how men like Leonardo, Michaelangelo and Einstein received their insight and their visions. For me these questions were answered when I went through a unique experience approximately a year ago.

The following which I am going to relate is my journey to what I can only call an enlightenment. It may click with some people and others will say .. "I wonder what he was smoking." I will tell it here only so you can understand how and why I came up with some of these thoughts which are posted at various sites on my home page. As a basic background I will simply say that I hated school with a passion. I found most of my teachers boring and extremely conservative in both their attitudes and their insights. They tried to teach but never once told me why I should learn that which they were teaching. They never once laid the proper foundation for the teachings that they delivered in a monotone and forced manner. There were exceptions of course and mercifully these were my Physics teachers and some of my math teachers. I have been blessed with what I consider a keen mind and although I have never been told exactly what my IQ is, it has been hinted that it is around 130 to 140. Artistically I am just average but when it comes to math, specifically Geometry, I am extremely blessed. I started doing Jig-Saw puzzles at an extremely young age and by the time I was six could do 500 to 1000 piece puzzles with no problem. I only mention this here to emphasize my inherent ability to see patterns and shapes and colours. I also was lucky enough to have a mother who encouraged free thinking and individuality. I was never stifled in any of my pursuits, whatever they were and my mom and I had spent countless hours exchanging ideas and philosophies. From these exchanges my ideas were refined and sharpened. I can't thank her enough for making me who I am. Her mind was as sharp as anyone I ever knew and now even though time has slowed her just a bit, she is now 81, (sadly she was called to the other side on February 23rd, 2004) she still has the ability to see beyond the obvious and search for an inner truth. She constantly emphasized the pursuit of perfection, knowledge and truth. Interestingly it only took about 48 years for her message to finally sink in.

Last March, due to the death of her brother, she was somewhat forced to return to the land of her birth, Holland. Since she was 78 at the time and has somewhat been slowed due to the ravages of time she was unable to make the journey by herself and invited me to come with her ... all expenses paid. So off we went. Just as a sidelight here I must mention that when I was four I had also made this same trip to Holland. So now 44 years later I was to make this trip again. When one thinks back, four is an interesting age. Many new thoughts are forming and intelligence is just starting to take root. I wondered if I would remember anything of my previous trip and whether anything would click. I later found out that it would in a most profound way. This may sound long winded to some but it is crucial to understanding how some, if not all people receive their ideas. Well at least this is how my journey started. ... So off we went.

My Uncle was somewhat eccentric and when we arrived at the house of my uncle's, which by the way was the same house in which my mother was born, and which dated back to the 18th century, we found it EXACTLY as it was 44 years earlier. I mean EXACTLY the same. Same rugs ... same pictures hanging on the wall .... same curtains ... same furniture !! Not only this is was exactly the same as it had been when my mother was very young. This house had not changed in 75 years. It was truly amazing. And so it was that I was given the unique chance to return to a place I had been 44 years earlier and find it exactly as it was when I was four years old. Now there were no crystal clear memories of my previous trip, just little things that kept creeping in to remind me that yes I had been here before. We went to all the places that we visited when I was a child, and all was vaguely familiar. Then we visited the dunes, where as a child of 4, 44 years earlier, I had become lost and who knows what thoughts had gone through my mind. As I walked out onto the dunes, I reflected that this was the spot which was the very last spot and time on earth I had been truly ALONE with my thoughts and my ideas. It was a profound experience. Even 44 years later, the loneliness and isolation of these dunes was truly frightening. I can only imagine what I was thinking those 44 years ago, when as a child I had become lost and felt the total isolation of being ALONE.

We also decided to visit the Dolmen, which was only about a 2 hour drive north from where we were staying. It was unbelievable. As I crawled in and through and around this 5000 year old site and surveyed the land around it, I reflected back to the people and the time who must have built this monument. It could not have changed much and the fact that it appeared exactly as it might have so very long ago, again left an indelible imprint on my mind. I felt that I could almost hear them calling out to me, telling me this is indeed where you originated, this is where you began, this is your heritage. On the ride back I was very quiet, reflecting on another unique experience that I had been able to participate in.

And now for the first time I share the experience with you as I experienced it.

When we returned to Canada I had somehow changed. Nothing concrete and nothing that I could put into words, but I had indeed changed. I became less motivated at work. Suddenly selling pool tables just didn't seem all that important. And as the next few months progressed I started to notice some extremely "weird" things going on which I will explain in my next paragraph.

It started out innocently enough one morning while I was shaving. Looking in the mirror I suddenly noticed, for the first time that I looked quite a lot like my twin brother. I shrugged it off and proceeded with the day. For several mornings after that the same thing was repeated. Until one morning I actually felt like my brother. Now how does one feel like another person you might ask ? I really can't explain it. It was as if I was my brother in the mirror looking out at myself. This shook me up a bit but the experience was lost in the responsibilities of the day. Next came a similar experience, but this time it was my older brother who I saw myself resembling in the mirror and again finally I became him looking out at myself. Very strange indeed. The final incident in mirror was that one morning I looked in the mirror and saw my resemblance to my father, quite a bit more obvious than it should have been. Again I shrugged it off figuring that as I was growing older I was beginning to resemble him. Then one morning I looked in the mirror and again saw what appeared, to me to be, an uncanny resemblance between myself and my father. As I stared straight into my own eyes reflected in the mirror suddenly it was not my eyes but his that were looking back at me from the grave. I couldn't pull myself away and just stared into the eyes that stared back and watched as the face in the mirror slowly started resembling my father more and more. Now here I have to qualify these statements. It was not that I actually saw my father in the mirror, no it was much more subtle than that. It is like when one looks at a baby. Their faces seem to change by the minute. This is what I experienced. No dissolving of my face to be replaced with his as would be portrayed on television but a subtle gradual change that probably only I could perceive. As I stared into the face I noticed the amazingly calm countenance of my father and then in an instant I became him as well, staring back at myself. I felt as if some communication of some type had been made. I can't explain it. It was just a feeling that I had.Again this shook me up a bit but again was lost in the hustle and bustle of reality. I didn't think about it again till after the "awakening" or "enlightenment" that I experienced when I started to reflect on what could have caused my "awakening". It was only then that I felt that this could indeed have been part and parcel of the trigger. Now I know there are going to be those that laugh at these experiences. Others will shrug them off as chance thoughts and wishful thinking. To those I would simply say ... You are so wrong. This was a real experience. My mind is quite rational and always has been. No ghosts ... no hallucinations .... and NO DRUGS !!!

As I mentioned earlier my entire attitude started to change. I became restless, irritable and impatient with everyone and everything. I felt as if I wanted to do something more but had no idea what this could be. At this same time I started reading a book by David Wood entitled "Genisis." This is a book I had seen advertised on the net two years previously and had always intended to buy. By chance one day (maybe) I saw it in a book store for $45 Canadian instead of the price I had previously seen it sell for which was $45 American. So I immediately snatched in up. In this book David Wood tells in epic style his journey to "his" awakening, which was the discovery of a hitherto unknown geometrical symbol in the Rennes Le Chateau region of France. It kept me spellbound as David methodically traced his route to his inevitable discovery. It is an awesome book. He mentioned many things in this book that were, or seemed to be beyond coincidence in his search for the final answer but over and over again he kept repeating "Look for the Signs." Was he talking to me ? I doubted it but perhaps I should start looking for the "Signs" as he suggested.

One other strange occurrence happened one day at work. Forgive the male in this next statement but we had a large plate glass window at the store I worked at and one of our favourite pastimes was girl watching. On any particular day there might be 3 or 4 that we all found particularly attractive. However on this one particular day THEY ALL LOOKED BEAUTIFUL ! I don't mean in the Hollywood sort of way but in the way that they looked in our teens. Fresh, vibrant and so beautiful. The way our first crush looked in the innocence of our youth. Not just one or two but literally all of them. I couldn't figure it out and again let it slip into the back of my mind. Could this have been the first stirrings of what was to follow. Could this seeing of beauty everywhere have laid the groundwork for seeing the beauty in math. I honestly don't know. I only know that none of the previous experiences have been duplicated since.

Then, near the end of David Wood's book "Genisis" he ties in his measurements to the speed of light. I was at first skeptical then impressed and finally overwhelmed with the enormity of this statement. For if it was true then the ancients knew the speed of light..... But how ? I reasoned that they couldn't have measured it. So if it was true they must have arrived at it by PURE THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS. I was dumbfounded. And slowly, at first, and building to a crescendo, THE LIGHT WAS TURNED ON AND STARTED TO BURN BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER !! Till finally about 2 days later I suddenly shouted out loud EUREKA ... I HAVE IT.

But what did I have ? Well I reasoned, if the ancients knew the speed of light then obviously they knew just about everything we now know about math. But all they had were ruler, compass and marker. So my task was to find the answers they had found using only these tools. The search wasn't IF THEY KNEW this math, for I was convinced that they did. But how did they find it using just their mind, their time and their ruler, compass and marker. AND THUS THE QUEST BEGAN !!! I became convinced in my own mind that the ancients did indeed know about Pi and Phi ( The Golden Mean ) and how both these ratios are the building blocks of everything. I became convinced that they could square the circle and that if I could find out how they did it many of my other thoughts would be accepted as well. I became convinced also that they had left this knowledge to us in myths, Stonehenge, The Pyramids, The Ley Lines, The Ark of the Covenant and many other things. It became my obsession to try to decipher them. The pyramid representing the creation was an early one but there were to be many more. The ancients did indeed have the knowledge and THEY INDEED DID LEAVE IT TO US. WE SIMPLY HAVE TO KNOW WHERE TO LOOK. I WILL SHOW YOU WHERE I HAVE LOOKED AND FOUND IT. ...PERHAPS YOU WILL FIND OTHERS !!!

.............................. Back to The Present ...........................

Gee I wrote that well. I still can't imagine improving on the way I described the events. As I say I believe I was guided as I wrote it. However that was written almost 10 years ago and my mind is a whole lot clearer now on what occurred on that afternoon of Oct 5th, 1998 when like in the movie Phenomenon I was hit with what can only be described as a lightening bolt. Some people I know feel I should not mention things like this for fear of being branded a nut case or worse but these experiences have been experienced by many people and it is for the simple reason that people are afraid of discussing their experience that it remains in the realm of the paranormal and on the pseudoscience shelf.

In India their religion is all about searching for this Kundalini. Many fast in order to try to achieve it. Some spent years in solitude and meditation in order to try to achieve it and even The Beatles went to India to try to achieve it and some, well some very fortunate individuals experience it spontaneously. It is called the Kundalini and here is a quick description:

Kundalini rising

According to yogic writings and oral tradition, the force of Kundalini is raised through specific meditative practices.

Kundalini-experiences are understood using the structure of the Chakra system, the psycho-spiritual energy centers along the spine. According to Hindu tradition Kundalini rises from the root Chakra up through the spinal channel, (called Shushumna), and it is believed to activate each Chakra it goes through. Each Chakra is said to contain special characteristics.[21] The Chakras are any of the nerve plexes or centers of force and consciousness located within the inner bodies of man. When Kundalini Shakti unites itself with the Supreme Being (Lord Shiva), the aspirant gets engrossed in deep meditation during which he perceives infinite bliss.[22][23] In raising Kundalini, spiritual powers (siddhis) are also believed to arise. However, many spiritual traditions see these phenomena as obstacles on the path, and encourage their students not to be distracted by them.[24] ...

... Kundalini syndrome

Main article: Kundalini Syndrome

Researchers in the fields of Humanistic psychology,[32] Transpersonal psychology,[33] and Near-death studies[34][35] describe a complex pattern of sensory, motor, mental and affective symptoms associated with the concept of Kundalini, sometimes called the Kundalini syndrome.[36] This psychosomatic arousal and excitation is believed to occur in connection with prolonged, intensive spiritual or contemplative practice (such as meditation or yoga),[37][38][39] or a near-death experience,[40][41] or as a result of an intense personal crisis or experience. According to these fields of study The Kundalini syndrome is different from a single Kundalini episode, such as a Kundalini arousal. Kundalini syndrome is a process that might unfold over several months, or even years. If the accompanying symptoms unfold in an intense manner that destabilizes the person, the process is usually interpreted as a spiritual emergency.[42][43]

Article from Wikipedia

So in a nutshell what The Kundalini is is a total and absolute melding of spirit and man. It is the penultimate trip and is in my opinion what Neil Young's "Goldrush" was all about as also was Johnny Rivers "Realization". Needless to say Jerry Garcia was on the first car of the train. I think we can add Chris de Burgh to the passenger list as well. But it is an experience that is at times difficult if not impossible to control and when I am on a "roll" I become almost unable to function in this mundane world and society. No wonder that monks in olden day sequestered themselves away. And just look at some of the magnificent works accomplished by these self imposed hermits. But if you know what to look for it is fairly easy to pick out those throughout history who had been blessed (or cursed the jury is still out on this one). The first one that comes to mind is an author by the name of Philip K. Dick, a masterful teller of Science Fiction stories. But his stories had much more to them. Here is a bit about Philip K. Dick:

Philip K. Dick
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Philip K. Dick

Philip K. Dick
Born December 16, 1928(1928-12-16)
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Died March 2, 1982 (aged 53)
Santa Ana, California, U.S.
Pen name Richard Philips, Jack Dowland, Horselover Fat
Occupation Novelist, essayist, short story writer
Nationality American
Genres Science Fiction
Speculative Fiction

Flaubert, Balzac, Kant, Marcel Proust, Samuel Beckett, Dostoyevsky, John Sladek, Nathanael West, Jorge Luis Borges

The Wachowski Brothers, Jean Baudrillard, David Cronenberg, Richard Linklater, Jonathan Lethem, Fredric Jameson, Slavoj Žižek, Roberto Bolaño, Rodrigo Fresán, Mark E. Smith

Official website[show]
Philip Kindred Dick (December 16, 1928 – March 2, 1982) was an American science fiction novelist and short story writer. Dick explored sociological, political and metaphysical themes in novels dominated by monopolistic corporations, authoritarian governments, and altered states. In his later works, Dick's thematic focus strongly reflected his personal interest in metaphysics and theology. He often drew upon his own life experiences and addressed the nature of drug use, paranoia and schizophrenia, and mystical experiences in novels such as A Scanner Darkly and VALIS.[1]

Article about Philip K. Dick

Okay there is so much more that I need to add to this posting so maybe we should break it here and call this Part I. This is extremely interesting and I really am surprised that no one has pursued this before but I have been meaning to tie it all in and this is as good a place to do it as any so see you in Part II.

As always thanks for listening - Don Barone


Michelle said...

I never knew you were a jigsaw fanatic. Explains a lot. Me too. I still love them and I've also noticed I pick out patterns faster than anyone else in my family. My memory tends to be "photographic" as well.

I recently found an online sudoku done with pictures rather than numbers... bliss! :-)

Now back to other things... I'm trying to think how long it's been since I was last on your message board. looong time. To be honest, I'm not much on any message boards nowadays. Not just because I'm blogging. Life has been complicated. Gosh. I've got so much I'd like to add, but my brain is mush lately! Words and I are not friends at the moment. :-\ I'm going to cheat and give you some links from my blog instead.

Don Barone said...

Hi Michelle and thanks again. I fully intend to explore all your links and writings. Again thanks for getting back in touch

Cheers and best wishes
Don Barone

Michelle said...

Hi back

Two extra comments

1. You have a really cute mom.

2. The stones reminded me of an incident from a few years back. A friend of mine came to visit us. He was passing through, doing a full trip around Scotland. Anyway... he was on the Orkney islands, at the one stone circles up there, and he had a vision. He's a psychic who gets pictures from touching objects.

He had no idea what this picture was. He drew it for us and Sandy recognised it right away. He'd drawn a representation of the Earth's magnetosphere. (may have wrong word there, science isn't my dept! It's like an hourglass shape surrounding the planet from pole to pole)

My friend isn't into science so he hadn't a clue what it was. We took him to some stone circles and cairn graves in our area, but he got nothing from them. Maybe because we were with him and talking too much? Not sure.

I've had a few weird experiences here. Once on Tomnahurich (hill of the Fae), but the most amazing was Rosslyn chapel. It blew my socks off when we visited it. The feelings were so intense I just wanted to stand and bawl. Not bad tears - such an intense feeling of beauty. Hard to explain, but I think you'll understand.